~How to perform Wudu/Wazu ??
Description of Ablution (Wudu) : No Prescribed prayer (Salat) is valid without performing ablution (Wudu). It must be performed with pure water reciting "Bismillah-Hir-Rahmanir-Raheem" at first and washing hands, face and feet etc three times each with the words of witness (Kalimah Shahadah). If some one wishes to recite some prayers for each function during ablution, they (Dua) are in sequence as follows : *This Dua is to be recited at the time of washing hands : *This Dua is to be recited at the time of gargling : *This Dua is to be recited at the time of cleaning nostrils by sniffing water : *Intent (Niy'yat) of Ablution and the dua at the time of rinsing mouth : It is obligatory to intend for ablution in mother-tongue at the time of cleaning mouth : "I perform ablution to offer prayer in order." Thereafter this Dua is to be recited : *Th